Wednesday, April 14 2021 — Latest News
As you may know our mission is to provide Professional Financial Care for Health Care Professionals.
We’ve been doing this for over 47 years and have never seen a global issue that has impacted our clients cash flow until this March.
While we have contributed to the profession that supports us over the years via support for professional development, training and assisting students with the costs of medical school, we believed this was an unprecedented event for our clients that needed an unprecedented response.
We, like others in the community decided to give a bit back in this crisis. We were one of the first to support ‘Fuelling the Front Line‘ and we felt we needed to go further to assist clients cash flow issues by providing professional guidance at no cost.
So, over the last 3 weeks we have assisted clients understand and get access to the Federal governments JobKeeper stimulus at no cost.
We also completed, for those clients that use our services to assist them with regular BAS completion, the quarter 3 BAS at no cost.
We send all those in the medical profession our best wishes and hope you are staying safe. If you believe we may be able to help you please contact us via our website or phone on 9388 2833.
– From the team at Smith Coffey
Smith Coffey specialise in the needs of medical and dental professionals. We provide a 360-degree financial service.